Monday, October 13, 2008

Summary - Napoleon Bonaparte was a powerful force in Europe from 1799 to 1815. He rose from the ranks of the French army to become the emperor of France. By 1812 he had control of most of Europe. Unfortunately, he met his demise when he attempted to invade Russia. His downfall was almost as swift as his rise to power.

Blog Question - Describe Napoleon’s character and leadership style and discuss how Napoleon has had positive and/or negative effects on Europe using specific expamles and details.

Napoleons leadership style had a positive and negative effect on Europe. He had a positvie effect because he conquered a ton of land and expanded Europes power. He also respected the people of Europe. He had a negative effect because all he really wanted was the gain his own personal power, and he thought that by bringing thousands and thousands of troops to invade Russia that he would win, but in the end Many of those thousands of Soldiers died.

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