Thursday, March 12, 2009

Middle Eastern States

A conflict that is going on right now in the middle east is the Jews always being the victims. This problem can relate back to ww1 when the conflit between the Arabs and ther Jews when the Arabs did agree with the Jews about having a Jewish nationlism which is called Zionism. The Jews wanted to create a Jewish home-land in Palestine but the Arabs did not agree with it. In this article it is talking about hoe everyone is talking against Jewish rights. A diplomatic solution to this conflict would to let the jews have some rights. Stop always blaming them and Palastine should have gaven them that homeland of Zionist becuase everyone should be able to show there pridefor there religion. Also not everyone in Palestine would have to be involved it would just be the Jewish people living in that homeland so it is not like religion would have this huge part in the government Or have a big impact on other people.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

czarist russia

During the late 1800's, 90% of russians were peasants. Life for the peasants were very difficult. For example, the typical room was a crowded one room hut. Peasants built there own houses out of wooden walls and roofs made of straw. Peasants usually lived with extended familes which had about seven people. When it came to sleeping, they slept on benches, stoves ,and a wooden loft. Peasant families worked six days a week from sunrise to sunset. Farming was one of the dutiesthat needed to be done. For the peasants it was difficult for them to farm because they are using the same tools that have been used over 100 years ago. Peasants already didnt have enough or any money to surrport there familys but they still had to pay taxes based on how much land they farmed, and the size of their family, and as said before peasants familys were extended families and had seven or more people in each. Not only did the peasants have to pay taxes, they also had to give a large share of grain to government. The peasants in Russia would suppport the idea of revolution becuase they would want economic changes.